Glassing fields this morning and came up to a wheat field filled with bugling bulls chasing cows. Such a cool experience to see. Had to of been 30+ elk in the field. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Nothing so far. Last time I hunted this spot on opening day they didn’t move until after 8:00. It’s 7:13 now so I’m guessing a buck isn’t going to show, so here’s hoping does show up.
Does it feel different hunting under a time clock? I know it's day one, but feeling any pressure from the bet? Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
No, not really. All I have to do is cut down on all the extra time I spend on stand. Since my time in a tree will be limited this trip due to weather I may stretch this sit out a bit, but not much.
Put a stalk on a 110” 8pt. Unfortunately he stayed on private. We have found THE section. So many deer on 4 giant white oaks. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Raining like heck and supposed to continue for 5 days. Time to do some garage work like organize gear, wash clothes, and sharpen broadheads. Its getting close....
Well,… it’s raining, but as the locals used to say in Whidbey Island, WA, “It’s a dry rain”. I did have to put my Ozonics away though.
So what you thinking for rest of week? Calling the trip early? Or going to stick it out and hopefully the weather clears? Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
I don't blame you. A wet rain sucks to hunt in. Lol. I'm getting my mock scrapes/licking branches out today. Finally cool enuff for it to be fun working on it.
After I got over feeling sorry for myself last night I decided to stick around for at least a few days to see if maybe the forecast will change. Meteorologists aren't exactly the most reliable folks.
As of two days ago they were calling for 90s starting today and no rain. Today the temps dropped 10 degrees and the rain moved in. I agree. This could all switch in a half day. Good luck!