This one is winter rye mixed with radishes, but of course it is mowed to the ground already. I do have white clover in a couple of other spots on the property and it’s great.
Ahem ahem. Now that you mention it. I think i was exposed to someone who may have been exposed to someone who traveled outside the US in the last 10 days.
I should be retired next year so there is no excuse that I don't have time to get plots going. Planned on a couple food plots along my field edges and a couple kill plots. And perhaps to plant on the "roads" thru the property. Guess I will also have to buy a few extra stands. Good thing my wife hunts! Won't be too big an argument...
Alright guys, I'm off work and home gathering all my hunting crap. Be on the road shortly. Going in to check past areas that held deer and check for sign. Start from there and see what I find. Hopefully I have some service to check in once and awhile.
I’m out, nothing for me today. Pulled a bunch of camera chips on the way out to see what is happening.
Hour and a half yet and I’ll be in the tree. Gonna set up close to scrape I have pictures on last week. Going to pull card before getting in tree. Hopefully more good pics. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Hot breezy so leaf blowing..but checked cams wonder why I'm not seeing as many deer? Well this is the biggest of 4 different ones on cams and some are day light. Then there is I checked a open tower blind in mid hill swamp. The deck had a fawn leg ,pile of turkey feathers a red squirrel and a grey hide. That would be fisher. Also a neighbor just stopped me all excited about the pheasant in the area...Did you see them? yep last week or so...then they went on to say how they are putting scratch grain out for them , you know cause they'll eat what the turkey eat JC! Why did I miss fall turkey and why are the deer not coming out of that property?..Seriously so illegal never mind they don't bow hunt but feeding in NYS is illegal. They were so giddy about telling me I almost can't get mad.
Not exactly sure what to do this afternoon. Cell cam hasn't shown the farmer has got to the corn by my stand yet. Thought for sure he would be done by now. Evaluate once I get out there I guess.
I wish my farmer would get his corn off too. He’s been dragging his feet. A lot easier to hunt the deer when they’re coming out of the woods instead of the corn Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Right there with you guys!! Once that corn comes down it’s a whole different game on the property I hunt
Update. Been walking and scouting for a hour. Walked about 3 miles of field edge fast. Lots of scrapes and rubs. Nothing stuck out as a big buck. My plan is to make a big circle back to a marsh. Place I know bucks bed in. Then just hunt that. Will be my first time in. But know other have been in there. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
I have a lot of time off to use up before the end of the year. Taking next Tuesday - Friday off before Minnesotas gun season opens 11/5. Will think of taking some days off the week after depending how that goes.
I'm up in a tree for the evening. Went up a familiar tree but haven't been in for a couple years. Forgot how dangerous and awkward this tree is. But it's the killing tree I need to be in. In the marsh on a connector trail between 2 ridge systems and crop fields beyond that on both sides. Not the best place for deer movement in general, but excellent buck bedding. Nice little fresh scrape about 10 yards and a large community scrape about 40 yards. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
I’m up also. Just waiting around now. Hopefully something is up and about. Sent from my iPhone using Forums