9:37 to 11:37 there. This is a weak day though. Monday and Tuesday should be great days to sit mid-day.
Busted up 9 that was running off smaller bucks inside the corn. Watched him for about 45 minutes and then caught him back on the edge working a scrape. Grunted a few times and that was it. Couldn’t resist and let her fly!
This white oak I’m in is absolutely raining acorns. I’ve been getting pelted all morning. While I was posting that last reply to bucksnbears one centerpunched my iPhone. Scared the crap out of me and I almost dropped the phone.
Quartering away and aimed for the exit. Came through the lungs and out perfect. He’s about 70 yards from my stand.
Heck of a shot Camo - good buck. VT - congratulations to your son! Slugger- let's see some blood! I'll be out this afternoon.
Congrats! Don't forget both pictures with you, your bow and the deer, date and time of kill and of course the score breakdown.