Ahh, don't worry bout "score" BHH. Just kill him After looking him over better, I think he's a 2.5 year old with great future potential. give him 3 more years.
Well, I had no intention of hunting this weekend. Was going to take the family to the pumpkin patch, but the MIL wasn’t feeling up for it so we didn’t go. Oldest boy said he wanted to go squirrel hunting and scouting on a WMA 15 minutes from the house. Until this year, this WMA has been a draw permit hunt only. Last time I drew the permit was four years ago. We ended up walking about about 3 miles in total to the far end of a steep ridge and back. We had one encounter when we bumped what I think was a buck from its bed. It was bedded on the edge of a steep draw in a thicket. The leaves were so crunchy and loud it was impossible to be silent. Fortunately, my son is pretty patient and we spent most of the time working on still hunting. I think we made it within 50 - 60 yards of a bedded buck that was on the far side of a thicket from us. Only think was a buck because it seemed to be alone and we found a fresh rub with a bed after it finally left. The whole encounter lasted about 15 minutes. I thought I was going to grunt him at one point becuase I heard it bound off and then come back after some light grunting. Never came close enough for a visual. i doubt I will spend much time in this area. Minus the encounter, there was very little sign in the three miles we covered. There was also a major hiking trail that I did not know went as far back as it did. Map made it look like it was a 1/4 mile trail down to the lake shore. It ended up going the entire ridge including right through the top of it where several ridge points came together.
I don't have 100% confidence in it, but I know it works. All things being equal, deer tend to be more active when the moon is overhead or underfoot. It happens mid-day on a full moon or a new moon. Those are times to be on stand mid-day. There have been a lot of times I've sat when the moon was overhead or underfoot and didn't see a thing. Then again, I've seen or killed quite a few bucks mid-day by using this. When you combine it with other factors, like fronts and favorable weather patterns it's even better. I can't tell you how many times I've looked at the major movement period and got on stand at weird times of the day and seen good movement. Some folks don't believe it matters. I can only say that it does matter. Like I said, I don't see them every time, but then again I don't see deer every time I climb up at the more traditional sit times, like the first or last couple of hours of light. I believe they're moving during the major movement periods. They just might not be moving right were I am at that time.
I figure there is a reason you are so good at aging bucks.. Just haven't figured what exactly that is yet
I had this buck at 147 yards in rifle season last year and had already filled my tag for the year. I think he is pushing 170 this year.. Maybe he will visit me soon!
I hope you get him. That way we can know for sure. I suck at guessing scores unless I know the body size. I was thinking 150-170" depending on how big his body is. If he was a Ozark hill deer from where I live I'd guess 140-145. If he's a 250+ pound giant bodied deer like the one I killed in 2019 then I'd say 165-170". That's the variable that always kicks my butt and without fail, the bucks I get a chance at are always alone and I can't judge body size. I don't care though. I just like killing deer.
Well crap. Looked at the weather and it’s supposed to rain tomorrow morning. Then again, this is the lying Weather Channel. I guess I’ll get up at 4:45 as usual and check the weather again and decide what to do. If it’s raining I’ll go back to bed and be on stand when the rain stops.
You ha e an advamtage of seeing him prior nd whether he gained Makes me feel I am low, kill him anyway
Hey, wait a minute. I've killed three does an a buck this season. That's why the sprinkles are headed my way dammit.
So my hunting from here on out will be Site M as it will always be known to me, but is now called Jim Edgar Panther Creek Wildlife Area. I have been googling for awhile now and cannot find the sites antler restriction. No way will I believe they dropped it, I just cannot remember if it is 4 or 5 on one side. That site and Sangchris both have one, one was 5 and one was 4, but one or the other changed several years back and they are both the same now. Both are about the same drive but Sangchris is like a backyard compared to JEPC at 15k+ acres. Going to have to call Monday I guess.
Thanks everyone, never been on a controlled hunt b4. They do it right, there’s a skinning setup with a hose and dumpster for disposal. Glad to get the doe outa the way. @Bone Head Hunter thats a dandy buck!
So, I utterly failed at self hunting a management area where deer don't spook, they just bound away and return in curiosity. What I find hilarious and embarassing at the same time is the guy who killed 2 yesterday and probably one the night before but not recovered. He asked me last Friday when we both first entered the site where he should hunt. I told him, dunno, just go in and find a heavily worn trail and set up on it, adjust on what you see. Myself, I set up on 12 years of Spring mushroom intel based on one trail and a few acorn caps. I saw deer in range, but they saw me as well. He saw deer and adjusted, then killed. I saw deer, tried to adjust and became a barber that nicks the skin, or gets no customers. I read this site almost every hour of every day when I am awake and can pass on to others what I read, but I never utilize it for myself. That's what 15 years of private land and ladder stands teaches you I guess.
Ride and shine boys!!! Headed to Maryland for a morning hunt! Similar conditions to yesterday when the plot was blowing up with deer around 8am. Let’s hope they do the same thing