Slow morning here. Two does came through and then a little while later a little 6 point came through nose to the ground. Gonna give it a little longer
Congrats @AL fulldraw! My brother had a heck of day yesterday; a bear in the morning and last night he Facetime in the middle of date night with my wife; he killed a mule deer that will go at least 180”. Got to see it briefly on FaceTime. Still waiting on him to send me hero shots. Good luck to you if you are out this weekend. My son has a playoff game this morning, stupid pumpkin patch this afternoon, other son has a football game tomorrow.
Haven’t seen anything but squirrels so far. Like yesterday though, I think it’s just a matter of time.
Felt confident as the sun started coming up. Now I feel like I should have blaze orange on and a shotgun.
So breezy went to wild gusts and even in a wooden blind....I'm too nervouse to stay out there. I didn't see ANYTHING and could not have heard a thing trying my best. Felt a bit like Dorothy walking back home.... Good luck guys stay safe. Did check scrape before leaving...foot prints in it.
Slow here as well. I may have blown the killable deer that were around here out this morning on way in. Oh well. This spot has historical and consistent year to year nice bucks cruising through mid October about this time in the am. This one was a oct 15th 930 am pic. Just one of many.
Need the corn out. Still, could have killed a doe this am, need to see how many deer are here before I take one though. Sent from my SM-G996U using Tapatalk
AL---good work! Shocker, I appreciate it. Same here...if you need someone to track or drag let me know. Done with this deer. If I cut up a deer at 6am while my wife was asleep and left a bloody mess that even Dexter would be proud of, did it ever happen if everything has been cleaned?
Gonna get down at 10 and check a camera. Have to go home and install a baby gate for the wife. The 2yo has become quite the explorer and is sneaking into the basement haha. Then ill be back out for the PM…. Somewhere yet tbd