Pk, change if change if plans. Work half the distance so stopped there instead. So got back to truck gear off and everything loaded, friend had taken my deer cart in his truck to get the deer and needed help loading them. He can't hunt tonight so I'm going to sit in his stand, that used to be my stand. XOP Air raid and sticks, he keeps calling the area TNN Outdoors, TNN hasn't been on air in what 30 years? Anyhow, I'm going back to it as soon as finished and sitting the rest of the day. As said earlier. I will shoot 3 deer, won't have to worry about an arm rail.
Question for all of you, after I could not see any more deer (2time) I couldn't wait any more and had to pe3eeeeee. So I let if fly. It spooked a doe. Was it the movement from me or the sound of water pouring out from above????
I would guess movement. Either way not a big deal. I have peed in scrapes and watch bucks work it 30 minutes later. Human pee and deer pee don't smell that different. Now, if you have a terrible case of jock itch, that might be different.
Official @LittleChief Scorecard 2022- 266 points 09/20/2022- Doe 50 points* MO 10/06/2022- Buck 116** MO 10/07/2022- Doe 50 points***MO 10/14/2022- Doe 50 points KY *The easy part of the Pink 120 challenge is accomplished **The Pink 120 challenge is won. ***The Flood Gates have opened
Started coming down from my tree and saw a cell Cam not 20 yd away. The 2nd one I've seen on that same funnel. Awesome
Just ate lunch, headed back in now. Had 5 arrows in the quiver this morning. 1 laynched, 1 snapped and two did not survive the bend test. Had 3 in the case so transferred broadheads amd lighted nocks and down to 5 total. Need to get more soon.
I took it a step further. No clothes and a bottle of ketchup while mimicking the cranes screams. Crossing that spot off the list.