Nothing bad can come from respecting the deceased, seems like your into em in MO! Hard work gets rewarded
unfortunately no LFTS where I was at; no signal. But I did see deer, and lots of deer sign. 4 mulie bucks, all shooters on this hunt with the lead one approaching 140" - at 200-250 yards. If it had been rifle season...oh well.
Going to get a couple trees ready. This is what i have to walk through. 4’ high. Deet max dont fail me now!
It’s not a stand but my brother and some friends are in Utah chasing velvet mule deer right now. Extremely jealous. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I like it. I wish I lived 50 miles from St L, haha. But all in all its been a lot of fun so far. I just need someone to offer me a work from home position, work at your own pace, and pay me like $100 an hour and it would be fantastic.
For the first time in my life, I don't really have a preference other than the job being fun, meaningful, and providing some flexibility. Those are prob hard to find for a guy like me and my jack of all trades skill set. haha
Unless I'm mistaken, I believe it has been some time since Bob has been active here. Probably on an island somewhere. I hope so.
Hmm, yeah, I think it's been awhile since I've seen his na,name,. Have mentioned, many times I've never been a great bow shot. But I'm working on it. 33 yards.
Had a bear mess with my salt block and camera and ever since it’s been cloudy like this. This is the young deer I posted a week or so ago. This picture tells me I’m not passing him if he comes by haha. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Heading to Kansas in the morning. Going to put up the trail cams, maybe even buy a couple of timed feeders, at least put some corn out to help get some pictures, trim lanes and make sure the stands are secure and lifelines still there. Also shoot my bow.
Started practicing from an elevated position of my back deck this afternoon. With the slope of my yard it puts me about 16 feet above the target. Practiced quartering towards and quartering away shots from 10-15 yards.
What's up with that chain link? Secondly, permethrin..... Lastly, in about 3 weeks, mow a strip from where you are at(came from) to that treeline, hang a stand in that black walnut(?) to your left and hunt it first 2 weeks of November. You're welcome