I havent turned on the thermacell yet. I need to give it a go. Those bugs actually make life miserable!
Ha! You know that van is full surveillance equipment. Got to do what ever you can to find that next 200! Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
Decent one my only gripe about the reveals is the grainy-ness but i cant really gripe at the price point
I was gonna ask the same, did you download an HD version of it??? Big difference usually. Sent from my SM-G996U using Tapatalk
This is the farm in Calhoun Co. IL my buddy owns. I usually make it up there for a handful of hunts each year. Ive never seen a deer quite like this while up there but they have a few on their wall like it. He will usually send me pics of all the bucks close to this caliber. Highly managed area with all neighbors on board. Probably 3000 connecting acres of cooperation to QDMA standards. Some definite trophy genetics up there for sure. Abiding by their size limits is hard to do. Ive had some bucks about shake my kneecaps off up there. Now to nail down some dates
I asked him to send me the hd if those were the thumbnail. They gotta be though if those are HD thats pretty bad
Got down to our southern Ohio location, my buddy Chris’s farm, to get the final plots in and check cams. And boy is he SET! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This bear has been on the farm all year. Typically one or two come through each year then leave. He is a homebody and is on 9 of 11 cams constantly. I saw him walking around today at 2pm, gonna try to get a arrow in him come Oct 15th
Thanks, never killed a bear before. Gonna give it hell! How big you think he is? I was guessing 300lb
Drove 60 miles south and scouted hard. Pushed in to the part I wanted and a buck stood up out of his bed, ran down the hill into the creek and took off. Didn't even see him but he was close thats how thick it was. Found a good spot...you know the kind where you walk around for 20 to 30 mins nitpicking every tree until you find the perfect one? Left a cam out there...the sign told me a lot. Also found an old family grave site out there. The Reese family from the 1800s to the early 1900s. All buried by one another deep on a ridge. Not sure why but I cleaned up their burial plot and gravestones. Maybe I am I sensing my own mortality. Seemed like the right thing to do.