Got the first cell cam picture of a deer at the spot I set up yesterday, just a fawn but daylight movement! Hopefully a big boy or some big old nanny’s are in there next Saturday for me
You look thrilled to be there. C'mon man, have some fun! You are not working, you are hunting. Unlike me, who doesn't get this holiday because I work in a university and its not Kosher. Maybe I should claim that it is Canadian Thanksgiving and I need the day off....
I’m super pumped to be in the woods!!! It’s a gorgeous afternoon. No place I’d rather be. here’s a happier looking picture….lol
Well website was wrong last night, new stand won't be here until Wed. due to Columbus Day, going to be mad if they ship it UPS because UPS is running full schedule today.
I actually considered your last sentence I Had just one job that I sat and it was receptionist/office management for a hair salon. I ended up with bad leg issues then too. Doc ordered not allowed to wear heels. Long and short I ended up quitting. Every other job I had required being on my feet. Today I decided to finish setting new hang on...ya THAT is NOT portable in my opinion. Holy cow! That was tough, that said man is it a comfy sit.I put a cam up and will leave the area be for a while to let things settle. Hopefully pics will let me know I was right in spot.
3 scrapes. 1 old rub and even some fresh pee in this one when I found it. All within 15 yards of me now. Hope for the best View attachment 158752 Sent from my SM-G990U using Forums mobile app
Back at my Jeep. Big old Goose egg. Like I said, it’s October, time to change it up. Good luck to those still out
Buy wait, there's more. Got thw shipping confirmation. Still on track for tomorrow, email said wed. the 12th. Supposed to be raining so we'll see if I use it. Ground hunt ynder the canopy in order. A few 5 foot diameter oaks in there so will hide behind one of them as a blind
Going to head out for a short sit before work tomorrow morning, only have about an hour and half before I have to head back home but it will be a good start to the day
Nothing for me. Left a camera up in that area that was tore up. First time hunting that property. No clue what size of buck made it.
This can be a tough time of the year to hunt. Hunting pressure, people scouting, checking trail cams over and over. Something as simple as getting 300 yds away from everyone else can make the difference.
Food sources changing as well, crops getting taken out, foliage changing from green to brown and acorns will be on the ground and no longer falling. Add in bucks returning to a territorial rank and file attitude and the October lull seems explainable. So many moving pieces in all aspects of a deers life changing all at once while predatorial scents and environment changes, ground blinds, walking to and from hunting sites.
Yep. My experience in October is brutal. No crops around for miles. Last year's red acorns all over the ground, no fresh acorns this year. No sign of any white acorns again this year. Bucks have split up and are rarely moving during daylight. If they do, they stick close to their bed or feed right in their beds. Night time is when they travel and leave their sign. Does? I swear they are nomadic and just randomly travel eating small sapling shoots, find a spot to sleep and then continue to search for more sapling shoots to eat. In all my years hunting here, I've never figured out what the does eat. Acorns? NO, only white acorns. I thought i had figured it out last year with the red berries in some bushes along the wet spots...but..idk....
I will say this. I posted my stands for sale on this site and FB marketplace. I was expecting to get hammered with will you sell just this, will you take this, or some other run around conversation. Never happened really. I had no one from the forums message me about it. Only one member contacted me via info in this thread but had sold prior to me seeing it or them seeing the classifieds post. 3 people from FB messaged me. The first wanted to know shippjng price to far southern IL, which was $35. Wanted me to hold it until Friday and he would drive up and save me from shipping it. Guessing he would have spent same in gas for the trip that he would have on shipping. Wrote him off as a kid with a dream but no money. 2nd asked if still available and after answering yes, he said "to be clear it is 2 stand and 2 sets of sticks" to which I replied no, 2 stands and set if sticks. No further communication. 3rd was, "I'll take this, but need shipped". Quoted him $55 shipping $630 total and he wanted my paypal address. Had the money within 5 minutes of first contact. Shipped the stand 20 minutes after getting off work. Listing to sold less than 15 hours. Should have asked more and knew it, but profit was nit my motive, only replacement.
Check green briar. Its been getting hammered here. Close to swamps and check down in the wet areas for browse in the swamp grasses.