What an absolute chit show. I don't know gow you emm effers do this crap in the dark. Took me an hour to dob4 sticks and stand. Absolute chit show, but at least it was a quiet chit show.
No signal this AM, but I too suffered from chitshowitis. Could not fit the life of me find the stand that my cousin hung. I had to have been w/in 25 yards of where he hung it. Heck I still can't find it, I'm thinking someone stole it or he moved it and forgot to tell me. So anyway, I hunkered down on the ground and of course a buck came in on a line straight from behind and down wind of me. Didn't know he was there until he busted. Didn't get good look but he seemed big. Later in the AM, had a doe tear past me doing Mach 8 but she was upwind from me so no idea what lit her tail on fire. This afternoon I'm not far from that spot, hunting in my climber over a big bowl next to a big 3yo clear-cut. I shot under and missed a decent 8 here I think 2 seasons ago? Maybe last year. I know it was Opening weekend and even though it was early October he was putting on a show, grunting and pushing does all over the place. Here's hoping I get another crack at redemption on him tonight. I dressed light as I knew I was going to get sweaty walking in w the climber, kinda regretting that now as this wind is slicing through my hoodie. Other than the chill though I'm so dang comfie I'm having a hard time keeping my eyes open.
We’ll I was pretty disappointed with my set up today by about 7:30, being so close to a field edge on public ground (idiot) so I got down at about 8:15 and did some scouting, paid of huge! I originally wanted to hunt this area this morning but when I went to do some scouting on Tuesday in the rain it was absolutely wayyy too thick to get up to the flat with the little amount of light I had left and with how thick it was I 100% would have gotten lost. So I tried to sneak up the hill today and found a ton of trails that looked fresh, once I got ontop it opened up a little more but was still good and thick, trails everywhere and a fresh scrape that looked like it had been worked this morning. I was still defeated when I got to the top thinking there is no way I’m gonna be able to hunt this just because access to it will be awful, on my way back down the hill I found a great trail to use. I’m not a fan of using deer trails to access areas but I will have to here. Going to head back out there tomorrow morning and scout some more, prep a few trees and cut a good trail for my access as well as hang a cell camera or two. I’ll be set up there next Saturday for sure! Anyway I got home finished hanging the drywall in the basement and now it’s Maternity picture time….originally scheduled for last Sunday but we got rained out. Goodluck PM shift!!!
What do you guys think a good asking price would be for 2 lone wolf stands and one set of 4 sticks? Would come with 2 batwings and two quik hang hooks. Think I have to go with a climber.
Other hunter that missed the doe yesterday just pulled up. The one that shot the deer yesterday couldn't find it this morning.
Haha! That's the problem with stands, the shipping. He would have to pay a fortune to ship that stuff. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
Back on stand. Thankful for thermacells! Otherwise these mosquitoes would be tearing me up. Sent from my SM-G781V using Tapatalk
Let me get through this hunt and I'll try to stavk them together with the sticks to see how rectangular I can get them. Have a huge box and foam sheets from a TV stand that is ready to go to a burn pile. If I can get them somewhat organized I have enough packing tape to make a box. Wouldn't want to ship 3 packages probably.