Heck no. I’d rather not deal with a double this trip but it would have been a strong possibility if I tried to. Lots of does over there.
Official @LittleChief Scorecard 2022- 166 points 09/20/2022- Doe 50 points* 10/06/2022- Buck 116** 10/07/2022- Doe 50 points*** *The easy part of the Pink 120 challenge is accomplished **The Pink 120 challenge is won. ***The Flood Gates have opened
Losing light fast, 33 minutes left but being on the ground they definitely have full advantage now. Won't see them until they're on top of me.
Had every intention to hunt tonight during the first October cold front… Planned to re-do our shed tomorrow but that turned into today with the help from the FIL. Got done at 5ish and said screw it. Have had deer all over my cell cams including a shooter. Oh well. There will be more cold fronts and the deer will be there too. Congrats killers! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I realize you already know the answer, but in Missouri we can only shoot one antlered buck before the gun opener. Does are all I can shoot here until 12 November.
Well, the temps will allow it to hang overnight (just barely). After I gutted her I dragged her to the water hose, rinsed her and then hosed her down with cold well water for a long time to get the internal temp down faster. It’s going to get below freezing tonight so she’s hanging in the shop. That’s two deer down and while I cringe at the idea of processing three deer when I get home, I really want to be in stand in that cold weather tomorrow morning to see what happens. It goes without saying that if a doe walks by I’m gonna shoot.