I was On stand for less than 5 min and I had a doe and fawn come by. They didn't stop. I tried to stop the big doe but no can do.
Still up in arms about how to go about tomorrow. Will have a north wind and probably still gusty with cold front. If I hunt the north side of the creek my scent will be going to the south side where I would plan on moving 9-10am'ish. I don't want to go in the south side in the dark and blind. I think it is the side to hunt regardless. Another worry is walking down the shoulder with stand and bow and have someone call me in as a poacher and law enforcement show up and ruin my hunt. Guessing Conservation would be the ones to handle it but not sure if local PD would respond or not? Never really dealt with anything like that.
Who in the hell hunts mid day on October 6th??? My freaking teammate that’s who! Just as long as he knows I’m still up one on him lol. Congrats LC that is freaking awesome! Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Wonder how many bucks have walked by me while catching up on this thread. Congrats guys! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I’m up, west edge of the property tonight. At least some of the leaves are down so I can see a little better. Good luck everyone!
Any hero shots of LCs buck? I only see the pic of it in the woods. Tony, LC today....whose next this afternoon?
I will be tomorrow, thinking I'll get there about 9 and will probably take until 10:30-11 to get set up somewhere. If it feels safe to leave my stand up may do an all day sit Saturday. Nothing to do with moon, all about time I have at this place.
Here ya go Brett. We tracked him for almost a quarter mile. He ran a big circle and died within 150 yards of where I shot him. Got him cut up and on ice, went and moved my stand to a doe spot and then I spent some time getting caught up on this thread. We’re about to score him. He won’t score high. Josh is guessing 115. I’m guessing 118-120. Either way I’m pretty stoked. I know there are bucks here that will dwarf him but there was no way I was letting him walk.
If I were still buck hunting and I hadn’t made that stupid bet I’d have hunted ALL DAY tomorrow with the temperature drop and the pressure spike.
GREAT buck! Even better story of a coffee break, a hunch of mid-day movement, and an up close encounter. Story to remember for life buddy.