Impressive. Actually tgis post made my heart skip a beat. Had just read your scout post with the bed and rub line. Was going to reply to it "I hope you at least get to see this buck, them rubs are fairly high". Then started speed reading to get to the end and when I scrolled up the only image I seen was this buck, looked over and it was your post. Then started with, How wild is this.... I thought hot damn, that buck came to the wrong spot at the right time.... You're gonna kill your best buck to date this year, I can feel it. Spidey senses and all....
So check didn't arrive today and decided not to try and scout that property. Should have put the bow in the truck and could have at least still hunted for an hour to hour and a half while looking for well traveled trails. Figured the only thing I would do was muck it up and let them know a new predator has arrived. I'm hitting it Friday and Saturday. I want two does down before the final two days next weekend. Just sucks I have to kill 2 does before I can a buck. I know a brute is going to tempt me first. I'll shoot it regardless, with the camera on my phone
Well nothing for me except three coons, countless squirrels, and a redtail hawk. Sent from my SM-N975U1 using Tapatalk
Didn’t see any deer but that wasn’t a surprise with the warm temps. I should stay out of there until Friday when the temps plummet but I know they will travel that creek. I’ll decide in the morning whether I want to go out or not.
Sat for 2 hours at a river crossing (bear) this evening. Seen 2 but they would not come to my side. First hunt this year and felt great to get out. Will be back at daybreak.
The more I think about it, the stupider this special hunt program is. Go figure it is IL. They want deer killed to thin the herd to lower DVC's and/or crop damage. They don't want you to scout on the ground before hunting, they don't want you to have multiple parking points to access an area and they don't want you to kill a buck until you kill two antlerless. I think a better plan would be: Starting Sept. 15th you and any group hunters have full access to the property to scout and place stands. You are allowed to park anywhere alongside the property as long s you are at least 10 feet off the shoulder of the road and no more than 15. Until 2 deer are harvested, no antlered deer may be harvested unless it has 6 points or fewer. After two deer are harvested an antlered deer of any size may be harvested as long as the hunter has not exhausted his/her two antlered deer permits.
I woke up early so I’m going to go out and sit the first hour or so of daylight, get down, have some coffee and get back out from about 9:30 to 12:00 while the moon is underfoot.
I’m out for a couple of hours. I should have just slept in and got on stand at 10:00. I thought about sitting straight through but my gut wasn’t going to allow that. I’ll be back out soon.