can't 'like' that for obvious reasons, but I've been there as have many others here. We got your back, bow brother. Get some tree stand therapy.
Too bad this place is 65 miles from my house. It is a beautiful place that I can tell doesn't get a ton of pressure. I will probably only hunt it 3 or 4 times this year.
Testing the furnace repair and not having HVAC knowledge is always a pucker factor Wasn't but this past winter my house shook like a leaf when a house about 1 1/2 miles away exploded. So far so good :crossedfingers:
With trekking poles, game bags and a high quality backpack for the pack out. If an elk hunter can get both hindquarters in one trip, you can get a midwest whitetail out from a mile and half deep provided you are properly prepared. I take my elk pack in with me anytime I go deeper than a half mile from parking. I can gutless, quarter and pack out faster than I can drag a deer that far, especially in hilly terrain.
Success! Cycled 4 times now as it should. Think with this everything but the blower motor and burners has been replaced now. Time to sell the house
Swampy, I read about that a while ago. I feel for ya.Really do. Went on a "bear looking tour" this evening. Didn't see any but found a couple likely looking river crossings. I m a bowhumter at ❤ but this year, I'm gonna take the rifle. Shot LOTS with an arrow but this year, I wanna put a bullet in one.
Didn’t mean to ‘like’ that Joe. Kept trying to quote it and it kept liking it. As team mate we are hear for ya. Heck all the guys on this forum seem like genuine good people and would help anyone out it seems like. Thats why I like this forum so much. Lol all the sh!t talking for the contest between teams and just the people in general. Didn’t mean to make this long of a post but Joe hope things start looking up for ya! Also shoot a big buck for us so we can take down team 12! Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Sorry to hear Joe. I hope you can find your happiness in this situation and afterwards. Stay strong! Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
Happy Anniversary so what does one do or get for 43 yrs? wife and i are headed to TSO (Trans Siberian Orchestra) on 11/20/22, two days after the last day of archery season here in Pa.