Hung my last set of the season. 3/4 the way up the hill between two logging roads. Have had action here all summer in the middle of the day. Had a deer blow at me coming up the trail with all the noise I was making. Hopefully it forgets by October 1.
Clover and chicory have been in since Sp ring and mowed several times. Turnip went in last week of July, will be prime for October through December!
Look good V. Had to make Another Trip to Scheels. Needed a new arrow rest. The Tech did a great job. Shooting nice n straight. Bought 6 more arrows and nocturnal nocks.
I may not be in preseason prep mood, but have been putting in the preseason practice like BnB lately! Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Looks awesome! How successful are you at filling a buck tag on your kill plots? I have never had the opportunity to make a kill plot or hunt over one, so to be honest I have never paid attention to anyone's real world success using them.. First impressions are that they would be dynamite
Hit a new public piece at sunup. Man it was so humid and full of bugs. Walked the entire perimeter of the 250 acre piece. May have found one spot that pinches between a private field and a bend in the creek. Full mile deep as there is only 1 parking lot area. Found some beds.
Remind me not to change batteries and check cards in a cut off and gym shorts ever again. Eaten alive and my legs are covered in itch weed. Cell cam has been out of commish for 8 days. Finally decided to get out there and get it going again. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Last year was the first year I ever made one… and I killed two bucks off it. The second one just happened to be chasing a doe in November by it, but the first one was definitely coming into the plot. Overall the first plot seemed to have deer frequenting the property a lot more
Morning fellow Bow Slayers. I got a few "meat" stands out on heavily trafficked doe paths, now I'm covered in chiggers even though I took extra precaution. The farmer never planted the lower field with beans, I'm assuming since he's lost the last two seasons due to flooding. On the other hand, it's grown up a lot and looks like it could be a decent day bed/bedding area or even a good covered transition area. Across the road they have cut in a new road and looks like it’ll be housing, on the positive, the deer that used to hang out over there might get pushed to me. Who knows what’ll happen, I know I’ll be in my tree come deer season. Here’s a picture of the lower field, not huge, but big enough. There were some doe in it the other evening, but I didn’t hang out too long.
I had horse flies track me for miles yesterday. I successfully evaded their bites for hours only to get drilled by one right before I left. I hate scouting in the summer!
Brett, I don't know how you do it! I hate the heat/summers/sweating with a passion. It's been in the high 90's with dewpoints in the 70s the past week here. I literally sweat just by standing outside when I bring the dogs out. No way in hell I would be out in the woods in this kind of heat/humidity! At this point, I'll just wait till the season starts and scout my way in like always.
It's going to rain and temps are going to drop 20 degrees. I'm gonna hit it hard for the next 2 days. I'm trying to find several places that most people dont think of near St Louis. The swamps might do the trick. Putting out some cheap cams and letting maybe a half dozen of them run this season. Gain intel. tip for those of us aging men with bellies that shrink and gain from one month to the next and are on a budget....Walmart Wrangler flex waist pants. $20....perfect early season and scouting pants. I've had two pair and they've held up for years..lightweight. trust me the deer dont care that your underwear and pants are camo!