Looks about like the one im going in after here soon. Neighbor said hes been seeing him right at dark in a field by where i hunt. This is in our main plot. Just a big Bull 8pt. Look at the neck and the donkey hind.
Hog bodied buck! Congrats on the doe. She looks old enuff where she's probably foiled a few hunts over the years.
What made you look like a moron or what were you having issues with? Practice really does make it 100x easier with those things. I haven’t done it nearly enough and am real slow still. I give myself an extra hour if I’m going in mobile. When I was in ND I set up all sticks and got my stand ready to hang before realizing the tree/spot wasn’t going to be good. Tore down and found the right tree. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You asked all the right questions in the off-season; it is time end the lugging around heavy stands and say the magic words:
I'm older and 240lbs. Haha. My sticks weren't gripping very well. Those Hawk Heliums have a weird webbing strap. Couldn't get them to tighten down correctly. The Muddy hang on shoulder straps I ordered are garbage and kept popping off as I was climbing. I couldn't figure out how to hang the extra sticks without banging metal on metal. Those are the starters. Lol!
Knock on doors,get permission on a few good pieces and st up some good/comfy ladderstands. Your welcome.
What is it about someone like you (young, physically fit) referring to a 20 pound stand being “heavy” that just doesn’t seem right?
Thanks fellas! The deer were moving very well tonight, I think I ended up seeing 9 and they were coming from every which way. When I when to pick her up I could see another big bodied deer standing there watching me from a different plot about 150 yds away. I don’t think it was the big buck that I am after, if it was he probably would have ran off.
Agree!!!! You could use the top of your Summit Cobra as a climbing method/platform!! BUY A SADDLE!! ignore the private land wiener wigglers who are laughing at the saddle users. 1. Take the hazmore net off, Put a piece of 3/4" plywood on TOP of the frame (inside the angled arms) 2. drill 4 holes 3. put regular nuts and bolts through the wood and frame. 4. paint the plywood 5. Attach shoulder straps to the backside of the frame 6. Attatch a rope of some sort to the platform to clip onto yourself in case it slides down. 7. File/sharpen the teeth that bite the tree for a stronger grip Climb like this.......AND NEVER LOOK BACK!!!!!!!
Wouldn’t the cables on any part of any kind of Summit stand negate the primary advantage of a saddle, which is being able to set up in any tree? If I can use a Summit top or bottom, I’d rather just use the entire Summit stand and be comfortable and secure. Oh, and this “private land wiener wiggler” hunts a lot of public land.
Well hello Mr. wiener wiggler.......LOL!!!! Not everyone uses a saddle for the "any tree" reason. Some use it to lighten their load. A one piece, 8 pound, climbing method/platform compared to a 20 pound stand makes a big difference when you are on your hands and knees crawling through the thick and nasty stuff that Brett is notorious for going through. Not all public land is created equal. It is plenty comfortable (This coming from an overweight comfort snob) and equally safe as you're always attached to the tree with a tether. I'm the farthest thing from being in shape or athletic. I'm 5'-6", weigh 250 pounds, and a stroke survivor. I've gone around branches a few times, it's not that complicated. Just move your tether around the branch, apply your body weight to the saddle and hang while you disconnect the platform and maneuver it around the branch, reattach it to the tree, (in my case, use all my strength to get my fat azz back on the platform) and continue on your way up.
That’s pretty slick. The only thing I don’t like is of the tree has limbs. I get into some wonky trees and trees with good cover. I use the predator XL platform with good luck. First year tho using a saddle and trying to hone into my style. I dig that setup tho !
I have spent many hours trying to get proficient with stick sections. I have utterly failed. I am barely able, much less capable.
Just a few more days of waiting! Can’t remember the last time we had cool weather for October 1! Corn is being picked too.