Any deer this morning???? Cold temps shoulda had em moving Sent from my SM-G955U using Forums mobile app
I didn't either cause of work but MAYBE tonight.. if my wife doesn't thinnk i need towork on our kennel.... Got a new spot i'd like to slip in and do a hang and hunt Sent from my SM-G955U using Forums mobile app
My wife thinks I need to come home Friday and sat for her birthday tom. I'm thinking treestand and hyvee flower delivery.
I dont recommend that... id say you have marriage problems prior to you going hunting but my unmarried brother sent that to this morning so i thot it fit with @bullridinfool comment on his wife wanting him to come home for her B day Sent from my SM-G955U using Forums mobile app
Well, all tucked in to a little oak hump just outside of a swamp. Had a doe come out as I was getting set up and blow thru the woods. Hope it gets better Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I really expected to see more activity on here this morning with the wild temperature drop between yesterday and this morning. Good luck! I'm still at work but I'll be climbing in a little over an hour.
Finally back in the stand Shawn Jennings ProGold Easton FMJ 339 grains NAP Spitfire DoubleCross 100 grains 2017 Team 3 Shed Hunting 2017 Team 6 Turkey Hunting 2017 Team 5 Deer Hunting
Set up in my climber on a piece of my property that hasn’t been hunted since this time last year. Who knows what’ll happen but want to stay out of my hot spots for the next couple weeks. Good luck guys Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Set my alarm for this morning but woke up to a heavy rain Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Haha that's good. No she is working tomorrow and her sister is coming Friday so I'm hunting and after sat morning sit I'll head back up. 20 FEET UP RIGHT NOW!!!
In a tree listening to acorns fall. Waiting for something to walk by. Good luck to those who are lucky enough to be hunting.
Made it up my tree. It feels like a great afternoon. I don't expect much since the deer don't usually move through here regularly until the rut. It's a great spot though.
Must be a predator besides me out here today. Sitting here quietly enjoying the peacefulness of the woods. Suddenly squirrels were running everywhere I hear crashing coming through the woods. Four big bodied deer come running full speed toward me tails flagging. They bust past about 30 yards from the tree I'm in only breaking stride to leap over downed trees. Sure hope I get to see what spooked them.