Nope, just the turkey, I love turkey, they are so delicious. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
All set up for the morning, i wont see anything but I'm off so I'm out haha Sent from my SM-G930P using Forums mobile app
In the tree again. Humid 70 degrees. Waiting for daylight and the cool front that's suppose to come in this afternoon. Good luck to those who are lucky enough to be hunting this morning.
Saw three in the past 30 minutes. Little buck trying to chase a doe and a good buck. No shot on any. Guess they are moving as this front comes in. Wind is starting to pick up Didn't see a thing until after eight thirty then three in about a 12 minute stretch.
Good luck! Someone in Arkansas needs to get one down. I have only been out once and this weekend is looking to hot again.
That's the first I've seen deer from the stand this year. Hogs nearly every day but the deer have been few and far between. Hopefully this front coming in will change them up a little.
Out sitting in one of my stands I never got to sit in this year. I'm not hunting just scouting. Starting to find a target buck for next year.
In a tree a little awhile ago, in the triangle. I have three fields around me and I'm tucked in between them all. 1 to my west and 1 to my east and the 3rd on is to my south and east. Good luck everyone!!!