Great job Tkaldahl2000! Use the correct tag this year Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I made damn sure it was a whitetail this time. I didn't actually see any mulies this morning. Sent from my SM-S820L using Tapatalk
Congrats to the whitetail slayers! We took a break from the elk to try and call in a yote. We saw a coyote in this area twice before. Coyote sightings are kind of rare out here compared to back east because we have a $50.00 bounty on them. Took all of 15 minutes for her to come in, but come in she did. John got a bead on her before I did. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
Back at it to see if I can get a buck. Got my oldest boy in a tree where I had the most pics. Sent from my SM-S820L using Tapatalk
I just missed a Turkey at 20 yards. It would have been my first ever. Pretty sure I dropped my bow arm Sent from my SM-S820L using Tapatalk
That's a pretty yote for this time of year. At least it would be for the Midwest Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Yes, it had surprisingly thick and silky fur for a summer dog. Living at 7500' might have something to do with it. The belly is pretty bare tho'. It will be tanned anyhow. I need the practice. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
Congrats! It's great to see some early season success! Sent from my VS500 using Forums mobile app
Went out on Tuesday. Got to my tree around noon. It was hot, 90+ degrees but I hoped that would bring the elk into the waterhole. I was frying in the stand, thinking I was nuts. Then at 2pm I heard a cow chirp. Then a really pathetic bugle. Then more chirps. A cow and a calf appeared in the thick brush 40 yards away. No shot. They disappeared while a big calf trotted to the waterhole. I hoped the calf would make it over to me. Instead a big cow popped out of the brush. I drew. She angled toward me and stopped at 12 yards. Because she was slightly quartering to me, I put the pin tight to her shoulder and hit the trigger. The arrow sunk almost to the feathers right where I wanted it. (Hey, I'm a good shot at 12 yards.. lol) She ran about 40 yards. Stopped and looked around, then fell/crashed back down the hill toward me. She ended up 27 yards from my stand. Not bad for 43 pounds of draw weight. I used a 125 gr old style 3 blade muzzy head. I didn't get good pictures. I tied my phone to a tree and used the timer. That's a challenge. I called my husband, and also my hunting buddy John for packout help. I cut her up while I waited for them. We are all very sore now. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk