Heading out in 15minutes it’s gonna be a wet one but ya never know Sent from my iPad using Bowhunting.com Forums
Right here with ya brother here in Ohio ready for some antlers!! Right off a corn field farmer JUSTTOOK THE CORN DOWN but for some reason left three rows up going by my stand l! We will see what happens Mike4christ 2016 Bear Escape Easton FMJ 6mm NAP Doublecross
Heading out now, should be in stand in about 40 min. A little warm at 57 and no wind. Good luck everyone.
Been in the stand for 45 min bumped a doe and fawn walking in hope the come back didn't seem to spooked
Have had a little knubby buck under me since light, two decent 8’s came in about 10 minutes ago, may regret letting that one walk ♂️ Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Sitting on a nice little pinch. But nothing yet. It's rained for 2 days, and stopped today...it's like 55. Not bad for October 8th.
He said she slipped away when he wasn't watching her, and that he will be back in the morning with his Lab to track
Shane good luck this year, is that last years lucky spot? Team 16 for me this time. Sent from my iPad using Bowhunting.com Forums