So last night sat till after dark. Got down and pulled sd cards and started back to the house. Almost stepped on a skunk on the way back. Checked cameras and in the last week every morning between 5 and 8 had deer move thru. Also had a button buck in front of camera at 6 last night I never seen him. Went out this morning and seen nothing not even a squirrel. Came back to house to dry off change clothes and head back out for afternoon evening sit. Moonphase says they will be moving from 1 ta 5 cameras say 6:30 to 9 hahaha
Isn't that just typical, they are always there in droves just after you arent Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Currently 84 with same temps scheduled through the weekend. I don’t have quite the same time it takes you to get deer on ice but the long walk in and out isn’t helping. I’m going to pass until we get a cold front. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
[QUOTE"virginiashadow, post: 1374886, member: 568"]Kill Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk[/QUOTE] Ok, am I the only 1 that finds this incredibly disturbing??????
In the stand boys lookin for a doe!! Back in the killin spot wer i shot my buck normaly lots of deer jus wait and see what happens!! Mostly jus needed a sit in the woods. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Yeah pulled cards last night and according to the last week I should of seen 3 to 4 bucks 2 being shooters and 6 does with two fawns. Seen the skunk last night, so at least I ain't been skunked on not seeing anything lol.
All settled in, hot today but real cool tonight, tomorrow morning should be better than tonight Sent from my SM-G930P using Forums mobile app
Back in stand tonight lots of rain past few days hoping with little cooler temps and rain stopping they will be on there feet.
Just got in the stand. First time this year. 88 degrees but I’m here anyways. Very low expectations Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I'm back on stand. Yesterday afternoon was a bust. This morning I had a buck walk by at 45 yards. It was too early to see how good he was even with binoculars. That's all I saw. I've moved over to another property that I've been hunting but I've relocated trying to get the jump on these bucks. The ONLY tree I could get in is an 8" diameter hickory. I'm well hidden but I hope the wind doesn't pick up. It would be a heck of a ride.
80 degrees or not... I'm going out in the morning!!! ALARM IS SET!! 3:30 wake up!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
In for the evening. Had a spike in range and with a clear shot last night, but I wanted the doe that went behind me. This is the view for tonight as I look to the south. Saw a lot of deer slip through about a hundred yards out. Sent from my SM-S820L using Tapatalk
Just had a doe and a nubbing buck come in. They got skiddish about something. Hopefully they come back