Well tonight was rough first sit so was happy to be out, but sat all evening in the rain and didn't here or see anything. Try again in the am.
I did a more accurate measurement this morning and we came up with 162 4/8" gross. like I said the taxi did a very quick rough measurement just to get a ballpark score. it could have been 30" less and I would've still been happy. go get em guys!
... forgot to set my alarm... I'll be heading out mid morning now!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
With friends like Richie music you’ll be on BHOD in no time. Mike4christ 2016 Bear Escape Easton FMJ 6mm NAP Doublecross
Back at it this morning after a quiet evening hunt. Sitting in a doe Haven looking to fill a tag. Quite warm again SSW wind. I'm in between 400+ acres of soybeans and 200 acres of nasty swamp. My friend owns a long narrow strip b/t them. Usually makes for a good hunt. Sent from my XT1080 using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
All set up in the stand , full moon last night and temperature drop! Need some meat in the freezer! Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Richie resigned from BHOD on Friday. Go check "us" out at real deal hunting. He's doing his own webshow and Facebook deal. Kinda cool actually.
Wasn't really planning to sit at my food plot but wind made me pick this stand. Wanted to sit in the bottom on trails. Oh well at least I'm out. Saw 2 half hour before legal shooting light. Hope to see some more but with the high being 81 we shall see!
Need some advice. Got on stand way early this am and got soaked. Plan was to move my set anyway so jumped down after sunrise and went over 100 yds to find a tree. Long story short missed a doe due to bad yardage from the ground. Still raining so I set the stand and backed out. Stand is about 45 yds from where I missed her. Over a scrape. Hunt this afternoon or wait?
Rain drops keep falling on my head ... I ain't seen a single deer to be dead... just rain drops falling on my head.
I dought that any sent wil be left due to rain and hunting a stand the day you set it or the next morning can sometimes be the most effective. Wow do i sound smart lol That is a novice talking so do what u feel but honestly tho hunt the stand dnt think it will matter Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
I won't be going out today. It's supposed to be almost 80°, and to remind everybody, From the point I finish gutting it's at least a three hour process before I can even get it on ice. I don't want the meat to spoil, I have too much respect for the animal to let it go to waste. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk