The witching hour is just about upon us. Saw a bunch of Jay's chasing an owl but quiet otherwise Sent from my XT1080 using Forums mobile app
I just remembered that the last time I sat in this particular tree was 13 October 2014. It was memorable because I killed a 136" 11 point that evening. He was chasing a doe I had just shot. He stunk to high heaven and his stomach was completely empty. Strange for that early in the season.
Raining here now as it has been much of the day. Quite frankly couldn’t care less just glad to be in the stand.
Where you at twitch? Where I am in Indiana it's 70 and sunny. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using Tapatalk
Been pouring to light rain all say. But first day out same as you could careless glad to be out. Will dry off later!
Two does feeding in the plot. First deer of the year for me. They're gonna have to hurry if they want to get shot tonight. There's only about 20 min of light left. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using Tapatalk
Awesome job Shane!!!! It’s a beautiful buck Mike4christ 2016 Bear Escape Easton FMJ 6mm NAP Doublecross
So you want the story Ok so I came home from school, got yelled at by my parents and said I'm going hunting. So I left, climber in hand and went to a section of hardwoods that is a good funnel. So I couldn't find the tree I wanted and the one I picked was very annoying to climb. This was my first time using a climber while hunting so I was making tons of racket and got drenched in sweat. It was literally like I took a shower in sweat. Anyway I got burrs all over me and I cut my finger and nose. I got ticked off and left. I was about to go inside, but Instead I decided to sit in my field of standing beans and corn. It was 80 degrees, I was having a bad day, the wind was wrong, and it wasn't shaping up to be a great night. So anyway, I sat with anticipation. I didn't see any deer until 6:00, when I turned around and saw him standing there. I hadn't had any pictures of this buck, but I made a quick judgement and called him a shooter. I then drew my bow behind the tree, trying to keep my movement concealed by the trunk. I shot him at 35 yards and he spun and ran away. He went about 120 yards and I watched him lay down like a dog. I climbed down, went inside and talked to my buddy. A few hours later I went in and he was not in the place where I saw him last lay down. I tracked for about 400 yards and then called it quits for the night. I then spent the next 10 hours thinking about the 5 minute scenario in which the shot occurred. I made myself crazy. The next morning, me and Richie music, a friend of mine went to look for the deer. We tracked him up to a very busy road. (Golf road for anyone who knows northern Illinois). He crossed the road. We tracked him a total of about 1200 yards. He only went so far because it was a single lung hit and the coyotes pushed him. The coyotes ate him up in one night. But nonetheless I was ecstatic. Anyway it all worked out great and I'm so thankful for the way things turned out. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
Damn, that is quite the story. I would never have thought he would make it that far fromthe initial blood photo you posted. Was no way it was not lung, details of the shot lacked I guess. Was he hard quartering to or away? Sucks about the yotes, I know the feeling there and didn't let her lay more than 3 hours. Congrats again.
Awesome story. You had quite the night, but persistence paid off. Too bad about the coyotes tearing it up, but at least you found him. You've put down quite the deer in the past few years. Sounds like you need to start filming. Thanks for the followup!