Shane, you do realize that a man only has a certain amount of luck in a lifetime. Yours is all going to be used up before you can buy your first powerball ticket. Slow down a little. . Good luck in the morning. If I was your first period teacher I would give you a pass on being tardy in the am.
I'm gonna sleep great. Gonna be a longggg night. ****ie tunes might come over in the AM Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
finally home at 1:20am. that was my number 1 buck I've been posting pics of. it couldn't have been more text book. it was hot so i knew the deer would be thirsty so i hunted over the water hole i found. first i had a button buck feed around me most of the night until a spike moved in. then the button went over to a licking branch and started working it. well the spike started blowing but it wasn't like an alarm blow. it was like the kind of blow like "who's there I can't see you" kind of blow. so that ticked off the button buck and he came over and ran the spike off. remind you this all was at last light. so after the spike left I heard heavy footsteps coming from the direction of the big bucks bed. so the big buck came right into the water hole and was chugging water facing directly towards me offering no shot. it was so dark all I could make out was the size of his main beams. from trail cam photos I realized this buck had the same beam shape as the big buck. and his body was freaking enormous. 200+. so I waited for him to get done drinking and as soon as he turned I let the arrow fly. he ran 65 yds and crashed. I didn't see him fall but I heard him die. I backed out just incase to go get help. after tracking him a short distance i got to see 20 yrs of hunting this property fulfill my dream of shooting one of these legends. this is on public land about 2.5 miles in. i would like to thank all the guys on this forum for any advice i might have picked up along the way. i will post score tomorrow.
While you guys are praying for him.. you wanna pray that Southern Illinois gets some rain? Me and my "dirt" food plot thank you.