Back in a tree for an afternoon sit. Windy enough to be rocking the tree. Hope it don't rock me to sleep.
Had about a 200 pound black boar walk by eating acorns. About 40 yards out in some thick stuff. It ain't a Deer but it sure beats watching squirrels run around.
Finally back out for an evening sit. The falling leaves sure opened up my view. My game cam tells me I shouldn't expect to see anything for 2 more hours... gonna be a long sit. Doesn't feel "right" today
Seen 4 does so far tonight... one jumped in the lake in front of me. Kinda cool Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
just had a yearling doe come by sneezing like crazy and pawing at her nose. I bet she sneezed 200 times
Need opinions... so see this thick stuff, the deer like to work around it, outside of my shooting range... it's a suburban setting. Is it too late/would it be a good idea to mow or weed whack a small path for them that is inside my range? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
This cool SSE breeze is really helping with the warm Temps. Sitting on a ridge til sundown!!! Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
I don't think it will hurt things long term, might have a short term effect on movement but I would seriously consider it. My uncle clears paths all the time on his land. Matter of fact, he built a box blind to replace his favorite tree stand(age and a battle with cancer took some of his mobility) and actually clears 2 lanes from the neighboring property on to his to reroute the deer. Worked like a charm A lot of people balk at the "deer will take the path of least resistance" theory, but I have seen it work both short and long term. Add in it is a Suburban area and that adds another plus to the equation. Just have to make it wide enough to have a clear shot over the brush , maybe cut the edges half way up to clear an angle leading in.
I have done it numerous times where I hunt on an overgrown field. I just cut the trail so that it comes close to my stand and generally within a few days the deer are using it. It has never seemed to cause any major problems for me. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Geeze! You sure that isn't a hiking trail ? That's an incredible deer trail Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Haha I had a real cool 5 1/2 year old at 20 yards and put my 30 on plus prolly pulled a little. Anyways shot over his back he spooked 5 yards and stood there looking around bit I had no shot.