Good luck! I'll be back out in tbe morning for my last sit in Tennessee. Season closes here tomorrow.
Heading out tomorrow evening to sit in ground blind Have 3 weeks left to fill my tag Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Good luck! Season goes to the end of February in Arkansas. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Nothing but squirrels so far. One hour left. Wind is starting to settle down. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
It'll be here before we know it. Our corn field was full of deer when we got home from supper. Most of them were bucks. Sent from my SM-N900V using Forums mobile app
I'm sitting here in my hunting room waiting to walk out for my last sit of the season in Tennessee. It's the last day of the season so this is it. I don't expect to see anything after the way I disturbed that spot on Tuesday, but anything is possible.
Still haven't bagged one all year. Trying to scratch one out this morning. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I wonder that too. This was after dark, I'm still not seeing them in the daylight. Sent from my SM-N900V using Forums mobile app
I have until the 15th. I plan on making it out after work a couple times this week, between our boys hockey practices. Sent from my SM-N900V using Forums mobile app
I still have Kentucky and Missouri tags and both states run through the 15th. My daughter is supposed to be coming that weekend. If she does I won't be going anywhere. If she doesn't then maybe.
Set up for the evening Sitting on the ground in a blind Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Today is the last day in Indiana. I still hope to maybe make an Ohio trip yet this year. Not exactly sure when it goes out over there. Blessings.........Pastorjim
Yep. I usually buy an Arkansas tag too. My club has a cabin on Fawn Acres road right at the Wattensaw WMA boundary. This is the first year in I don't know when that I didn't buy an Arkansas tag. The deer haven't been moving at Wattensaw and that's the only place I have to hunt in that state, so I decided to pass on it this year.
Well, fellows, no deer sighted from my stand here today. I sat all day until 4:30 when it started to rain. Oh well, if I don't get a chance to get to Kentucky or Missouri next weekend it's been a heck of a season.
It was raining so I didn't hunt tonight but these just showed up in the front yard. Sent from my SM-N900V using Forums mobile app
Ahhhhh, ya think? Congrats on a great year Chief! Sent from my SM-N900V using Forums mobile app