This is how I approach every hunt out here. That way I'm never let down... lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Been fighting off yellow jackets since I got in this tree. If there’s deer here, I’m sure they saw me swatting every few minutes. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Im in the zone where everything sounds like a deer right now, Deer? Nope, branch in wind Deer? Nope, squirrel Deer? Nope, just farted
I'm awake now. A strong gust of wind dislodged a dead branch and it hit my right arm on the way down. Scared the crap out of me. It didn't hurt too bad but I should have a nice bruise tomorrow. I'm just thankful it wasn't bigger and that it didnt hit my bow.
The suspense is killing I have a doe and her two fawns bedded 35 yards from me and I have no shot she has been there for an hour now
4 more out in front of me. The other 4 winded me from behind and made all kinds of racket bugging out
So much for not gonna see anything. maybe i need to quit scouting! Sent from my SM-G930P using Forums mobile app
I am covered up with does and fawns, not an antler to be seen. Where I hunt is one and done so these deer all get a pass from me
View from State land tonight.... It's my first time hunting this spot it's quite a ways from where anyone hunts so hopefully I'll see some action. After the work I put in to get back here I sure hope I see some movement!