Merry Christmas everybody. My pup and I got a drake mallard on the river today. No deer seasons open here, but this six degree weather has pushed a new bunch of geese down.
chris, leave me Rudolph I've been after him since I was about 5 yrs old. that red nose would look awesome on a pedestal mount! my son left a bait pile of cookies and milk to get santa's sleigh in range. snowing like a banshee now so hoping he brings Rudolph tonight! merry CHRISTmas to all!!!
I can't wait to see my son open his bear brave tomorrow morning! going to be a proud moment for sure. he's been asking for one since this past October when he seen me heading out with the bow.
Out for a Christmas Day deer,20 degrees with no wind.Should be a killer sit. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Merry Christmas, Mike. Congrats on your first buck! It's all in good fun. Sent from my SM-N900V using Forums mobile app
Merry Christmas to all of you and I hope you all have a fantastic day! I really wanted to sneak out for a couple of hours this morning but I have three grandchildren who are already up wanting to open presents. Would have been pretty messed up for them to have to wait because Grandpa was out hunting.
Only reason I'm out is because there is no way any of my siblings will be up before 10/11 so I'll just climb down early and sneak back in the house about 9:30. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
When I was young, I beat everyone to the tree. We have to wake our boys up. I'm hoping to make it out this afternoon. Merry Christmas! Sent from my SM-N900V using Forums mobile app