On some public this afternoon. Saw an 8 point in this spot last year. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Just heading out for the evening sit, really windy here so I'm sitting in a stand we know they use this hill when it's windy. Good luck to all! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Today was opening day for me, didn’t go this morning. But got out here as fast I could. Now patiently waiting. Got a couple of good bucks using this trail. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Heading to our oldest ones hockey game. Maybe I can get out in the morning. Good luck Axtell. If it sprayed out both sides, you should be in good shape.
I won’t see a deer probably tonight but this will be one of my best hunts of the year. I have both of my kids in a. Ground blind with me hunting my own property. Doesn’t get much better than this Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
My set up for the evening, and yes that is a road in the picture, I'm about 50 yards off of it deer trails going every which way!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Well my dads having a good day, just got in the stand and had a spike walk right under him Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What was I thinking getting out here so early when I'm so tired? I know this spot and I know that this early in the season I'll be lucky to see a deer before 5:30. Well, I'm here. Now I just have to stay awake.
Back in the stand, same one as this morning. 1st Pm sit in this stand. Let’s see what it does. Good luck everyone.
Finally in a tree. First sit of the year for me. Sitting in a new woods plot just south of corn. Quite windy. Haven't been back here since we planted. Doesn't look like we had good germination.
I expect to see nothing. I have done zero prep work or scouting. I just grabbed a stand this afternoon and hung it in a random spot with a few trails intersecting.