I wish I had a view like that. I miss hunting in the snow. It has only happened once in the 12 years I lived in Arkansas.
So different from last time I hunted here. Just enough to cover the ground and help me see for a long ways. Sent from my SM-G930V using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
And they left. Neighbor has, what I'm guessing is a puppy, tied up outside. It is whimpering. The bucks didn't like it. They left. Sent from my SM-N900V using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Couldn't post for a while. Deer piled in to the plot. One was a decent 8, just not the one I'm after. Be back out Sunday. Sent from my SM-N900V using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Didn't see anything either. Pretty quiet tonight. I think I need a better late season spot, but I started too late this year. Sent from my SM-G930V using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
its never too late. get out and scout and find where there feeding. if you aren't seeing anything better move.
I'm glad you got most of it before it got to me. we only got a foot. lol don't forget about late season! should be plenty of deer in the acorns.
That's my problem, started late and don't have a ton of time to scout year round, much less in the next 20 days. Newborn this year, but got the itch mid season. Sent from my SM-G930V using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app