Wow!!! That is bigger than any deer I will ever see in my lifetime. Absolutely awesome for your son. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
No I posted a buck kill for myself as well, it was just much smaller than his lol... easily overlooked... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I didn’t even take the boonie out of storage this year... had my best season ever... just saying... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I am sitting in a BAD ASS spot but the wind is crazy. Mix of picked and standing corn surrounded by bedding. My son is on doe patrol.
Jerky pic from last weekend. Made from ground venison + hog (extruded from this caulk gun they call a jerky gun lol). Experimenting with recipes... The 1 lb 6 oz of finished jerky in that picture had already been eaten. Will probably make another small batch pretty soon with that is spicier. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Small food plot in the middle of 120 acre 10 year old pine plantation. There are three fresh scrapes on the field edge. Here's my view.
I'm almost a mile deep and it's dark as crap. Have to come back tomorrow or Wed to look if the area is open. I really just want my arrow. That thing is dead as could be. Angled down dead center in its chest. Fell down and started plowing into things before hauling ass then going silent about 10 secs later. Ran into a bunch of blowdowns Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk