so the 1st was a doe with her tongue hanging out.. Maybe a broken jaw.. she spooked at absolutely nothing in 2 secs and ran.. then a spike.. then 2 does.. then a fork.. seen deer in the other fields and then at dark a doe with triplets came in and right after like 5-6 does/fawns came in. I dont know if I was seeing the same deer multiple times.. but prob close to 20 give or take.
Almost four hour round trip and didn’t see a deer except on the side of the road coming home. I can’t believe that was the result with how perfect the conditions were. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Well, I only saw 6 does this afternoon and none of them got closer than 120 yards. I can only shoot does here now and muzzleloader season opens in the morning so I'll be taking my TC Encore out. It's been feeling neglected.
Settled in waiting on the sun.....30 degrees with a 10 mph breeze. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
18 degrees, winds out of south 4-6 mph Last day of orange, bow opens back up on December 26 till January 6 or 13 not sure.
I'm on stand, just got some service. Starting to get some snow flurries! No deer spotted yet. Getting alot of noise coming from about 100 yards out, sticks breaking. Good luck guys!
Just got up. Don't have any good morning stands this time of the season. I'll be out this afternoon. Good Luck everyone! Sent from my SM-N900V using Forums mobile app
Out with a buddy for Iowa 2nd shotgun. Just ground pounding some public land today looking for a freezer filler... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I've been on stand since 45 minutes before first light. The wind chill is 15 degrees. Might not sound cold to many of you but just a few days ago it was 70 degrees here and I was going to work with no jacket needed. It sure feels cold. I haven't seen a thing yet except two coyotes and a raccoon.
Well in shooting house with my oldest son. We had something happen that was very unusual for Alabama we got about 2" of snow yesterday which made our deer lockdown. It's 26 deg this morning hoping something will get up and move he's got a itchy trigger finger. P.S the rut is just around the corner