No deer moved through this morning. Camera is showing mostly evening activity over the last several days and even had two new small bucks and a large mystery deer at a distance. They'll move tonight says the inner hopeless tag holder.
Have you seen anything this morning? There were a few out in our corn, really early. I wasn't figuring on much movement this morning. I'm hoping they are all over the place tonight. Oops, I read your post after I put this one up.
Rising pressure, NW wind and 2-4 inches of snow on the eastern shore of MD ( which is fairly rare), I’m crazy not to make the two hour drive right? Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I will be in the stand in about a hour. Got a couple does with my name on them! Cold temps, perfect wind and a storm coming in tonight, just what I need! Good luck guys, hoping I have service to post this evening!
All setup and ready to rock! Shooting anything except button bucks tonight. Just looking for food for winter. Run and gun tonight and setup on a trail I watched a couple does come out on the other night. Heading from bedding to fresh winter wheat field behind me.
I’m here and all set. Already started snowing here. This is very early for this part of MD. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I'm excited for you guys tonight. I think there's going to be deer death in this thread over the next few hours.
Heading out with a bow for the first time in almost a month. The big guy I’m after somehow made it through shotgun again as far as I know so I’m after him Sent from my iPhone using Forums
All set up in Kentucky. Haven't hunted this spot much. I killed my second deer here this year early season and this is my first time back.
Just spotted first deer, about 100 yards out. Looks like a old buck, if it is it already shed it's rack. Feeding on green briar
Pops just texted me saying he smoked a bday buck... Will post pics once he stops being a idiot and actually shows me how big it is Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Out with stick and string tonight! Feels good. Suffering from withdraw something fierce. Must hear "thwack" of double lung soon.
Sounds like there's already some action going on. I'm up and ready run and gun style. Good luck all! Sent from my SM-G935V using Forums mobile app