Maybe get on that road and park on the shoulder? Walk both sides of the road and the ditch looking for blood. Any ditches or inclines he would have to navigate to get there? If so, anywhere he woupd have to jump or stretch out to cross or traverse would likely open up the entry a bit.
I have no doubt he's dead, just a matter of finding him which is easier said than done. Temps aren't ideal today so ubless found pretty quick might have to wait for the scavengers to lead you to it.
Think I'm gonna have to call it. Hate losing deer. Covered a lot of ground. Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
That’s crazy! I had to use screw in steps just to get up to where the stick straps would barely fit Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Settled in with the boom stick (wife's friend wants a doe.... I've been asked to do the deed) and bow (for a buck). Wish she asked me back in October but we'll see what happens.
I need the temps to drop. Its been nearly 70 here. I hope someone is at least enjoying some good hunting weather!
I know what you mean. The highs here this past weekend were at or above 70 and the lows were around 40 to 50. That's about to change starting tonight, though.
Yuge temp swing tonight here. Y'all think an evening sit ahead of that type of swing could pay off? I was thinking it may get them moving.
Going from mid-50's today to low 30's to mid 20's after that. Going to use my last vacation day to hunt Wed and Thursday PM. Now, bow or smoke pole? Don't have a deer yet-may have to default to smoke pole unfortunately.
I'd go back in a few days and watch for the scavengers overhead. No doubt in my mind he was on lung blood and while they may be able to live through a slice from a broadhead no way they live through a 1800lb shockwave from a 12 gauge slug. They might be lost as far as meat goes, but they can be found.
For sure, gonna be back up several times the next couple days to look for scavengers Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk