That is not a lot of blood ... looks like muscle blood Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Look at the leaf above the big area. It almost looks like he shot him with a Dawn slug the bubbles are so sudsy
The bottom half, you are referring to? If so, I stand by my previous statement... without being there, if that is not the leaf that is paper thin with holes, then I agree it is lung blood Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Well, no dice tonight. Tracked blood about 400 yrs, but never could pick the trail back up. Searched a pretty wide grid out, not quite sure what to think. I hate losing deer. Also, it sucks being colorblind. Good think my wife seems to be part blood hound, man she did a great job following blood sign. Tired, walked a lot of ground today. Time for a good glass of whiskey. Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
I'm 99% sure it was lung. Quite frothy a few feet from that too, didn't take a pic tho Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
Good buddy of mine hit a 200"+ and lost blood the other day... and I know that he knows big deer, as last year he shot a 170's buck. Very depressing weekend. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
congrats little chief! entro, get out there tomorrow and grid it off with toilet paper so you don't miss anything. you might be walking all around him and just don't see him.
Looking forward to morning updates! Good Luck! Sent from my SM-N900V using Forums mobile app
Yeah headed out in the AM, will see what it looks like in the light again. Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
That’s where my grandfather is buried. Very heroic grounds. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Saw a couple doe out in this field yesterday morning when I was leaving hopefully they show up again. Deer getting plowed all over the roads here the past couple days
Best of luck to those of you who are fortunate enough to be out there after them this morning. I'm back at my desk at work and it's a bit depressing to look up and see walls instead of trees.