If you know the target bucks pattern and have the right conditions for them, there's no better time than the first hunt to make it happen. Unpressured and still predictable. If going in blind hoping you know where he might be, you're taking equal odds of bumping him off his routine. A choice only you can make.
And it's opening day in PA!!! Heading out to state land with my old man!! We have been having some good camera activity on the oak ridge I will be sitting on this morning! Let's kill today guys!!!!! Lots of red arrows!!!!! Good luck to all of those who are going out, be safe and I wish you the best! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Opening day here in Ohio! Good luck to everyone hitting the woods today! Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
30 min walk to the stand Shawn Jennings ProGold Easton Storm 279 grains NAP Spitfire DoubleCross 100 grains 2017 Team 3 Shed Hunting 2017 Team 6 Turkey Hunting 2017 Team 5 Deer Hunting
Well I'm set, 1 hour till the official start of the Ohio season Shawn Jennings ProGold Easton Storm 279 grains NAP Spitfire DoubleCross 100 grains 2017 Team 3 Shed Hunting 2017 Team 6 Turkey Hunting 2017 Team 5 Deer Hunting
That took awhile to get into the stand, but I'm here, camera is showing they are still using this ridge just mostly evening movement but we'll see what happens this morning good luck all!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Heading to the woods for both AM and PM hunts. Nice cool morning with a 6mph wind. Good luck to all hunting and extra luck to anyone on my team, all though it’s all the other teams that need the extra luck to beat BUCK NORRIS!!!!
In a tree first time in two weeks I was a little wreck less getting in here we shall see Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Good luck this morning everyone! It's raining here, and I could not pull myself out of bed at 3:30 AM knowing it was raining Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
One of y'all is gonna get it done today! I have a giant branch blocking of of my shooting lanes i didn't see walking in, i have other spots i can shoot on the same trail thankfully Sent from my SM-G930P using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Just Had a doe blow just behind me. She tried using my trail that I use to walk to the stand. No bueno right now. Still early though.
Just had a doe pass at 40, she just wouldn't slow down for me! Sent from my SM-G930P using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
You guys have had more action this morning, than I've had all year!! LOL!!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I think I'm gonna head out for early afternoon. Can't kill them from the couch, it's only rain Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk