You definitely know you have arrived on BH.Com when your name gets used to name a bad behavior! Maybe someday I'll make it! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using Tapatalk
Sorry for laughing but that cracked me up. He's down just don't know where he is... Good luck with recovery
Always a great reflection when I drive through the Quantico National Cemetery. True heroes. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
I know this is a gun hunt ut I need thoughts. So this is just strange. Had a buck follow in a group of does. 60 yrs, easy shot, take my time, braced against a tree, squeeze the trigger, buck goes down, drops in his tracks. Gets up starts to walk so I squeeze off 3 more shots. Under fire buck still just walks off into tall CEO. I get out there, and I don't see one iota of blood. I know my first shot was good. Calling in a friend to help look, been looking about a half hour so far. Ugh. Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
If you hit him high, it'll take him a while to fill up and bleed good. I've shot them high with a 270, had them crash within 40 yards and only found a couple specks of blood in the snow between where shot and where it crashed. So there might be blood that you're just not seeing. It's strange there's no blood where he went down though. How was he facing when you shot and where did you aim?
Where were you aiming? Only asking because I know some gun hunters take neck and/or head shots. Wondering whether you could have hit rack not judging. Any other indications that you hit him other than he dropped in his tracks?
Felt like a perfect shot to be honest, that is what is so frustrating Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
Any chance you botched to his outside or too far forward. Busting through the front shoulder or upper leg bone could explain the drop amd walk away. Hard to determine angle by description alone. Where would you have anticipated the exit hole to be?
Anything is possible, sure thought it would exit into the opposite shoulder. I hit him hard enough it looked like he really struggled back up and then was moving pretty slow as I took a few more shots. Of course now I am second guessing everything in my head Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk