In the stand,rifle for a doe and bow for a buck. I checked a cam on the way in so now I get to sit here and go through pics while on stand Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I just did the same thing. Finally made it back out. Been sick and felt like death since thanksgiving night and havent felt like doin anything. Decided to force myself out this afternoon. Still didnt make it out when wanted to but here now. Jumped 2 in way in but its nice being back out. Hopefully something comes through, grabbed the 870 so wont haveta get in real close, so we'll see. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Just had small doe come through getting chased by little fork horn. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Called in 1 coyote this morning, we both got schooled . I learned you need to be able to see them coming and carry a shotgun along with the rifle. The coyote learned not to come in for the easy meal. Missed twice with it running the other way .
This sucks. I've been hunting behind my house since Thursday morning and I haven't seen a deer. They're only moving through here at night. I still have the rest of this sit and tomorrow morning but I don't think I'm going to see anything.
No we'd rather wait for mike's next bowkill trackjob..... Duh, of course we do. Unless it is of you walking up to the cam, we've seen enough dinks
Lol, it was a deer. Thought for sure it would be you walking up to the trail cam. Good luck with him!
Thanks man,we've been getting him on cam ever since the middle of October but always at like 1-2 am...until now Sent from my iPhone using Forums
One hour of light left. Nothing but squirrels so far. Sent from my iPhone using Forums