Hunting isn’t going to happen for me today. My wife has the stomach bug and can’t keep anything down. So I’m gonna stay at home in case she needs anything. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Shotgun opened here this morning. Went with granddaughter taking the dog for his walk down the dirt road about 8:30. No traffic or any activity. Saw 4 deer across a bean field on the other side of a creek. Heard one shot a mile way or more. Got back to the house and saw 2 more 1/2 mile away in CRP, just watching us. Headed for cover flags flying.
Sat until 10:00, didn’t see a deer after the 2 small bucks first thing this morning. Heading home to help the wife clean house and cheer on my Sooners in the big 12 championship game.
You’re a good man and Mrs. Swamp Stalker is lucky to have you. Here’s to her feeling better and you being rewarded in some way.
No hunting this morning,had to attend to some legal matters first. Hoping to take my little brother this afternoon with rifle. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I think Mr. Crabby pants in the blind to my south left and spooked 3 does my way. Cool! Finally get one in the open, cross hairs on, BOOM, down she goes. I see her head is still up but so was my buck first season. I look at the other two does still hanging around but I only have one doe tag. W T F ??? This Zombie doe gets up and starts walking away. Crosshairs on, BOOM, but all 3 slip into the ravine. Tree branch shattered. Poo Only found the fingernail size of meat after two of us searching for over an hour. I went to the bottom of this ravine and back up, thankfully I had a water and a Gatorade. I hate this! I suppose I can pray she makes it or stumbles onto the ATV trail as we’re heading out and she’s found. Better luck to everyone out hunting today.
Thanks a lot guys. I was hoping for at least one more deer for the freezer, now I can concentrate on some antlers for the rest of the late-season. Had a great morning, saw 8 doe and three small bucks after not seeing a single deer yesterday. Double lunged her, she went only 40 yards and died. Couldn't find my arrow though, kind of pissed about that!
FEB, don't stop now. Pull a "Littlechief" and kill another deer today! Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk