Deep in thought on my first time bowhunting in almost 10 years. And trying to get it done on public land. I remember why I love this expensive and frustrating hobby Sent from my Pixel using Forums mobile app
All set up in my #1 killing stand in Kentucky. It's the first time this year everything has been right for this spot.
I'm going to pick a observation spot on some public land this evening and hopefully see some deer to try to ambush Sunday evening as it will be to hot to go to my private land and I just want to hunt Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Apparently someone's dog doesn't like hunters..... Real class. LOL At least it's not like I was in the 80s, but my dad said people would slash his tires. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Alarm is set, ill be out in the a.m. still doe only until next weekend Sent from my SM-G930P using Forums mobile app
I'm not sure exactly how many deer I saw. Maybe 20 or so. Some were on the other property on the other side of the fence row trees. I did see one buck come out of the fence row about 250 yards away right at last light. I couldn't tell how big he was. All in all it was a good sit.
Help me everyone! Going to the lease tomorrow and hunting the opener on Sunday. Should I try and shoot a doe or go right after a target buck? I can't decide!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
Whatever walks in front of you first. Shawn Jennings ProGold Easton Storm 279 grains NAP Spitfire DoubleCross 100 grains 2017 Team 3 Shed Hunting 2017 Team 6 Turkey Hunting 2017 Team 5 Deer Hunting