30 yards flat broadside and i was bout 18-20 ft up I believe maybe quarter away a lil bit Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
How high was the shot on his body? (Trying to figure out the angle of the arrow going through him) Was the arrow sticking out of him? Any idea on penetration? I know you said you looked for the arrow. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Sounds like you will be body searching. Just don't give up when you go back. Take the path of least resistance and they can run well over 100 yards after being jumped. Also go to the thickest, nastiest place within hundred yards of jumping him. If still no luck after that, check water. Good luck on the search! Also was he still in full velvet?
You shot that monster!!!??? You will find him and when you do post pictures! Are you on a team? Mike4christ
Wel bous not a good day i gut shot him.. i seen the arrow and knew it wasnt good bit a few other people with figured he was dead. We jumped him out of another bed one of us found him in and thought he was dead turns out jus hurtin bad so were gona wait till the morning and give him 24 hrs dnt wana push him agian.. hes glown guts tho and you follow a corn trail not blood so ill keep you posted and if you have any more advice let me know. I was a little leary about goin after hime when i seen the arrow but learning curve i guess Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Hunting will always be a learning experience! That's why we love! You'll find him buddy don't loose hope Mike4christ
ouch. Yeah definitely wait another twelve hours at least. It's your deer, you have to be in control when tracking. I usually track by myself for that reason. he will be there tomorrow morning!!
Tell me how my lighted nock turned off without me doin it. It was on when i shot but it was off when i picked it up and jus lookin at it betr it was pulled out so any ideas? Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Anything mechanical can fail buddy your nerves are threw the roof you shot a monster buck and you want him now sometimes you start looking at every reason things went wrong and why you won't find him. Go home have some coffee relax and have confidence you'll find him tonight or in the morning. Relax man just RELAX LOL Mike4christ
To add to my bad luck toda my pickup is hickuping again. Had to fix it once and it bout an 800$ fix not funny Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Is there a high vantage point that you could glass the general area where you last saw him? If so, you might be able to spot him in a bed later this afternoon while there is still daylight. Gutshot, I doubt he went more than 100 yards from where you jumped him. Might be worth trying after it has been 8 hours since the shot.
Ya i talk to another friend of mine he said i need to go back in later and not wait till morn said coyotes would eat him. So wer gona go back around 2 witch is four hours since last time and 8 since the shot. Its too thick to glas wer he at its a sure bedding place for deer