Think he did the same thing as me, I seen it and wasn't paying attention. I was thinking of soccerdan's buck, was going to ask if it was last years then caught the mistake. Pretty quick turn around none the less
Nothing for me this evening. Will be back tomorrow, hunting the whole day. I will have my 2nd buck tag starting tomorrow!
Sorry, I was just surprised to see it that far along. My bad. Sent from my SM-G930V using Forums mobile app
I’m not that good a deer benefits of the taxi being the parents of an employee I guess... and they just do it on the side and trade help with an actual taxidermist that comes down to hunt some of their properties. So they don’t get swamped with orders. Just a few from friends and such... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Celebration time. That's Fat Tire number 4 - thus far. Too bad the buck's brow times were broken off. Looks like it happened quite some time ago. Still, I'm happy. I have plenty of beer in the camper fridge , so I'm gonna sleep good tonight. Y'all have a great night and good luck to anyone who is hunting tomorrow.
I wasn't complaining. It has been refreshing this year to not see any of that on this thread. On that "other site" you would have been hammered. I love seeing all the successes Regardless of weapon. The kid I took out tonight had about five different deer in front of him, but the closest any of them got was 50 yards. I knocked down two mallards with one shot, and got a Canada goose at the very end of legal shooting time. Planning for a last ditch effort at elk in the morning with my Savage 110 in 7 mm mag. You can be damn sure I will post it here if I get one.
Rest assured I didn't think you were complaining. If I thought that I wouldn't have replied. Sheesh, I've had enough beer now that there are two keyboards on this iPhone. Maybe it's time to hit the rack.
Pretty much. I got to watch the buck I shot breed the doe I shot before I shot him. After I shot the doe I shot the fawn that was following the doe I shot. It was a really good day. The end result is a lot of venison in three coolers.
Up and heading to the property This weekend has been good to me the past two seasons Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I remember that one, from last year. Good Luck! Sent from my SM-G930V using Forums mobile app
Yeah that buck will always have a big place in my heart I got him after laying my neighbor and mentor on so many things to rest Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I am up and looking for a buck! Anyone else out today? Sent from my iPhone using Forums