This is a target rich environment. The farmer wants us to kill as many as we can and I feel obligated to do that in return for the opportunity to hunt here. Besides, that's a lot of backstrap.
The buck is actually a 6 point. Both of his brow times are broke off and are less than 1 inch. He's still nice though.
Congrats! I think you are the firat BHC member to single handedly remove an entire DNA string from a deer herd in a single sit
Nice job chief. I’m just now checking in. Doing a hang n hunt in new area. Waited for light to come in. Fresh sign EVERYWHERE. This place is tore up with fresh rubs and scrapes. Problem is it is noisy getting here. Had a run in with a nice doe on way in. After getting settled I had a 4 pt. Moseying around me about 40 yds out for awhile. Now I’m cooking in the sun. Wish I could sit all day but gotta go pick my daughter up. Good luck everyone......besides chief. Chief you just send some of that luck you already obviously have butt loads of and send it our way! Express mail. Lol Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Update from the taxi... has to dry and do finish work on it.... looking pretty good though... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
congrats little chief! you might want to let the barrel cool between shooting each deer. that's awesome! man I love those old police academy vids. still laughing! nice mount Wesley! that's a quick turn around!
Was gonna go fishing since the weather is nice. Then remembered it is Black Friday and the pond I want to hit is in the heart of shopping centers. Damn
The view from little Chiefs tree stand this morning.... The view from my tree stand this morning... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk