Thanks man, I sure appreciate the offer. I've been thinking about trying to get a second truck and trailer. Crop was heavy enough this year to almost justify it but I dread the thought of licensing and insuring and caring for another rig. They don't like to sit idle very long and they're always inviting to rodents with all the grain around. A second one would sure be nice.
Covey.. I think one of them grey dogs would help your operation tremendously, by umm.. I dont know... moral support, yeah thats it! Moral support!
I need a rich wife so I could drop some of this work load and play a little with toys like grey dogs again. I sure miss bird hunting. The other night in the deer stand when I passed that 8 point buck, after he passed on through I had a covey of about 15 quail mosey through right under my stand and around my tree for about 15 minutes. I about cried with glee...that was the best deer hunt I've been on in a while. It's become such an oddity in this part of the country to see a pair of quail that it's almost like telling people you saw a unicorn.
Instead of buying a permit for quail, you almost need a search warrant. Sent from my SM-N900V using Forums mobile app
Lol, ain't that the truth. I've made some gains here the last two years. My mom was deer hunting on the home place a few days ago and saw a big covey foraging around in the pumpkin patch. She said there were over 20 birds in the covey. I was cutting beans one night over on that farm where I had the covey around my deer stand. I was trying to finish up that evening about 10 pm. It took longer to get the last few acres because of quail running in front of the header. I hated to keep cutting but they were calling for rain (which it did) and I needed to get the beans done so I could move on. In years past I have literally just shut the combine down after dark because of roosted coveys of quail in the beans and milo. I like to think the zero till operations are helping with the quail along with some cereal grains, food plots, cover crops, etc... Something must be working.
My second deer I ever shot was with my 12 ga slug. It was public land and had a deer running through the woods about 75 yards out. I saw bone on his head so I found a gap in the trees in my scope and when he reached that gap I fired. Followed him with the scope and he disappeared and came out the other side of a thick bunch of over growth. As soon as I saw him again I fired and dropped him in his tracks. Lowered the gun and found out he was only 10 yards away. Lol. First shot was double lung. Second shot was left eye. It ended up being a 3 point. Never forget that hunt. As long as you get the job done that’s all that matters. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Heading out with our 10 year old, again. Hopefully we'll see a little better movement this morning. Good Luck everyone! Sent from my SM-G930V using Forums mobile app
Here we go again. Let's see if any bucks come through. Alot of doe activity here but no bucks showing there face
Got into stand only to realize my release was in the truck Sent from my iPhone using Forums
A great hunter once told me that every time you leave something in the truck and have to go back to get it, a booner walks by giving you a perfect 10 yard broadside shot when you aren't there.
I think I’ll be heading out Thanksgiving morning for a quick hunt. My wife has to work till noon. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk