Didn't go hunting tonight. Took the afternoon off, visited Gramma, drive by hunting spot, saw 25-30 deer within a mile of stands, 2 bucks fighting 100 yards from trees stand (not real big bucks)! Why were they so active tonight? Should have been out. Pitman the Hitman
Thanks guys he passed several other deer before he decided to take this deer. We had nick named him wacky willy we had him on trail camera for two years he injured his left back leg early this summer. He was so excited and I was so proud of him. Elite 35 80# Easton FMJ's CBE Tek Hybrid Pro Dead Ringer Freak Extreme
Well I suck at live from the stand but everything happened all pretty fast. Got the big 10 I been hoping to get. Got him at 25 yds coming in on a string. He popped out about 100 yds out. I started grunting at him, he turned and heading my way. He disappeared into the woods. I grunted a few times and he popped out 60 yds in front of me. He came straight to me and offered a broadside shot. He went about 50 yds and bedded. Got him caped and quartered up. Roll Tide Roll