There is only one deer I know of taken down this gun season. Of course this a fraction of a fraction of one percent of the hunters out there, so not saying it was bad everywhere.
Gotcha, that's what I use as well but with a 10 1/2" barrel. Thought last year you had a .357. Might have been someone else
This is what he does when the deer don't come out quick enough. Sent from my SM-G930V using Forums mobile app
Mine is all about tracking! That's awesome! Sent from my SM-G930V using Forums mobile app
Realist more like it, after gun season its hard to put big bucks down, they still have pretty high chances at 2-3 more bonus deer. Figure 125 behind right now, 275 with 3 bonus deer plus whatever BBD(had 140-155" nearby earlier). That's at least 400 down heading into late season.
They're moving here. 6 point just eased ny Sent from my SM-G935V using Forums mobile app