Just had a button buck and doe feeding 20 yards away. Don’t seem to be phased by the tractors. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Back out a little late. Trying another move see how it works. On the ground again. Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
Dan, I TOTALLY feel your pain!! I shot the buck, that resembled your track job, on Friday night at 6:45 pm. We finally found him at 2:45 pm on Sunday. Other than our boys hockey games I was staring at the ground looking for blood. The deer probably logged 1/4 mile in his last attempt to survive. I bet I walked 3 miles back and forth following the blood. Congrats on the deer Dan!! I understand the emotional roller coaster all too well!!
Congratulations Dan and Longdraw. I just got all settled in and finally sitting down. Had yi trim few branches and get everything situated in this stand. First time sitting in it. Between the walk in and everything else I'm sweating like a pig so hopefully GW dont stroll by, only orange got on is a hat ha. Was about 50/50 deer hunting amd coyote huntimg there for little bit. Had nice looking coyote stay out about 200 yards for 10 mins. Little to far for 12 gauge. But he's gone now so back to deer I guess. Do have some tasty steaks behind me tho. Ha Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Crap just got real. Beard gone. Back to work in 3 hrs. Lol. Gonna spend the rest of my season hunting the "15B" buck. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
Psych research paper complete......Green light for a morning hunt! We have a big storm system coming in the afternoon. hoping for an active morning!
Yep! That same system will be coming through my neck of the woods during the morning to afternoon hours! 25 to 35 sustained, gusts to 50!! I hope to be in a tree on Sunday!
Nothing so far except cows and that coyote earlier. Pretty overcast and losing light fast so idk if make it until legal light or not. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
I'm hurrying to get home to try to get our oldest one in the ground blind for the last hour of daylight. Sent from my SM-N900V using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Posted earlier Think he said he was about an hour away and would be loosing cell service or it would be sketchy at best