Last hour here in Ohio Seen one right after I got in stand other than that all quite here Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Almost identical to the shot I made last year. I let him sit over night and found him the next day. He never bedded or headed to water. Might have been pushed by coyotes. Call all of the neighbors tonight to try and get permission to track. What kind of broadheads? The first 100 yds of my deer last year was NO blood, only stomach contents. I know exactly how you feel. Keep your head up and stay with it. Take ribbons w you to mark the trail. Makes a huge difference when you lose blood to step back and get direction of travel. Best of luck! Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
We had 7 arrows with field points on them. We put them in the ground to make a "path". Just use something you can see real well!!
We have used arrows with nocturnals on them to help mark last blood, beds and impact spot works real well Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Live from the airport... the dean took my caffeine pills from me and gave me a warning referral which I'm kinda ticked about. Just bought some more though. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
Agreed. I'm not dumb with them like some of my friends. I know someone who took 6 200 mg pills and needless to say, it wasn't good Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
As a teenager I had enough testosterone in me to have me up for days with minimal sleep. I wouldn't use those things at all. 200 mg is more than a very strong cup of coffee.
I do too but it's fun the caffeine gets you pumped about something even as mundane as sitting in a classroom listening to a teacher discuss the embargo act of 1812 lol. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
Next thing you know you'll need some Adderall to snort in college to study. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
Worst part of going back to work tomorrow...shaving every day. Damn I need to go undercover position. Lol Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
That was nice to get to see the big one with all those does, heading back to pa Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Big mature NJ Doe down. Shot was a little high, but the Muzzy 3 blade did the trick. I couldn't take it any more after the 5th Doe came through. The 23rd Doe I've seen in 3 sits, 1.5 days. So it's not like there aren't enough of them. Back to looking for antlers tomorrow. Gonna hang a new stand mid day. Lots of Buck sign at the new place!