A guy brought in some sheds here at work. Found them almost 18 years ago in 2000. Getting ready to go check them out, heard a few say biggest antlers they've ever seen. Gotta see this
No chance on femoral artery? Probably would have seen him drop though if you could see him for a ways.
I didn't see a lot of blood coming from him. He was hunched up and walked slowly out of sight. I watched him for about 5 minutes after the shot. He's hurt badly. I couldn't get a follow up shot. I tried and tried. He went over a little hill and all I could see was his antlers for a bit. Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
6 Doe in the stand this morning, 1 Doe during my mid day stalk. Front came through, rain and high winds. Looks like its clearing out again. Hopefully the wind dies down and they get up and move. Hunting from the ground this evening.
It’s extremely windy in north jersey today... have to keep pulling my bow arm back to where I️t is supposed to be Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
My experience is that you should wait until tomorrow and go find him in the morning. I had the same reaction from the deer I shot last year and he was still alive 7 hours later, jumped him and he made it onto a property that I couldn't access. Hopefully the weather is good for you tonight. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Stopped raining here, supposed to start up again after dark so I took a chance and climbed a tree! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Definitely doesn't sound like a femoral artery, wouldn't have lasted more than a minute. Is this an area where you can leave him undisturbed? Definitely sounds like a paunch shot by your description