Well finally have time to sit and tell how my evening went. Was in the stand for about 20 min and rattled and grunted and about 20 min later came in a 2.5, 3 years old tops 7 pointer 20 yards away. So I stand up slowly and get ready to shoot my first buck. He is still at 20 yards quartering away when I take my shot. The arrow stayed in so I assume I hit his off side shoulder is why I had no pass through. This was at 130 in the afternoon. So my buddy is in stand as well and says wait a bit and I will come get you then we can look. So waited we searched from 200 till dark had great blood with bubbles in it. Plus I felt really good about my shot. But we never found him or kicked him up and we lost blood as the woods got super thick. Needless to say yesterday was just as disappointing as find that 8 that was on my list Tuesday. But still have a lot of season left just confused with all the blood how my shot looked. The only wild card factor is when I shoot him he ran toward the road which was 150 yards or so away and a truck drove by in the time frame he would have been close to it so the truck could have spooked him and he ran God know where. But one of my friends is still at the property and said he would look more today I couldn't make it back down. But looking for almost 3 hours with 4 of us and came up empty handed. Have a feeling one lunged him and he lived or became cyote bate
Took an hour and a half break and am back on stand. Saw 7 this morning Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
I probably will too. Gotta hang another stand and just hung one other day so if sit in those spots may take gun just because dont know what to expect. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
I just hit shot a beast. I stopped him and when I shot he took a step forward. I can't have another lost deer. My iowa season is done regardless of the outcome. Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
Just got set up in NJ, wind is whipping again, gotbabout 3 hours till dark hoping I️ can make I️t happen tonight Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
No. I'm way back. Like 2 inches in front of the back leg. I'm absolutely sick. 30 yard shot from the same stand I shot the other one in. Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
Decided to head out tonight went with gut feeling and stopped looking at wind speed can’t kill them from home Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums